Summer Study Abroad

Suffering is the Norm, Happiness is Won 
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Suffering is the Norm, Happiness is Won 

by Hiromu Sakuma, Emory Tibetan Mind-Body Sciences Program, Summer 2024 Ever since I was young, my mind has been cluttered with thoughts that made me feel disengaged from the world around me. I’ve always wanted to live in the present and better connect with the simplicity of what’s right in front of me. Amidst this…

Reflection on My Study Abroad Experience 
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Reflection on My Study Abroad Experience 

by Kiara McLarty, Emory Sociology-Comparative Health Program, Summer 2024 Studying abroad was a decision that came naturally to me as someone with a deep curiosity about other cultures and a desire to step outside of my comfort zone. The Emory Sociology-Comparative Health Program immediately caught my attention because it offers a unique opportunity to delve…

The Best Lessons You Learn Abroad are the Ones You Learn from Friends
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The Best Lessons You Learn Abroad are the Ones You Learn from Friends

Studying abroad in Morocco and Greece introduced me to friends from many different backgrounds who expanded my life perspective beyond the Emory bubble. They became my abroad families, and they continue to influence my worldview today.