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This site has been created so that individuals within Theater Studies & Theater Emory may add & archive information regarding activities within the Mary Gray Munroe Theater in the Dobbs University Center which may be of use in the current (09-25-14) DUC Renovation/New Construction project.  This information is public and is intended for the sole use of viewing by future architects and other key players in this current project.

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (as sent out by Jen Fabrick in the RFQs to the prospective architects):

The Project:  Emory University- Campus Life is moving forward with a project to design and construct a new Student Center in the heart of campus. The new Student Center will be located at the site of the current Dobbs University Center, a three building complex, and will consider demolition, renovation, and new construction as viable design/construction opportunities to create a balanced building assemblage to render the best possible project. The goal is to build a Center supporting and nurturing a strong Emory community.