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Proposed TE Theater

BASIC Theater Highlights 01-17-15    is the original WORD version of the spreadsheet that explains the “Highlights of Proposed Support Spaces for a 150 – 250 seat flexible black Box Theater”

The following items have been collected by Randy Fullerton in collaboration Jan Akers, Leslie Taylor and the Theater Emory/Theater Studies technical staff:

  •     Theater Room dimensions (06-09a-15) for Architects    lists dimensions of all of the spaces in the proposed theater as suggested by the theater staff. The room sizes & dimensions are based on conversations with the “users” & are subject to change based on revisions & updates on the project. The intent of this exercise/spreadsheet is to increase the awareness of the individual “users” of these rooms and should be considered a “starting point” to be shared with the architect and theater consultant in order to gain a better understanding of the needs of the theater program within the Campus Life Center.
  •   Theater Room adjacencies & plans (06-09a-15) for Architects (1-16th scale)     includes a “massing exercise” in which all of the suggested rooms have been drawn in 1/16″ scale and indicates the suggested adjacencies of those rooms within the building.  It also includes suggested floorplans for the Scene Shop and the Costume Shop (& associated spaces) & respectively submitted by Aaron Mayer and Marianne Martin.
  •   Theater ROOM DATA SHEETS  (06-09-15) for ARCHITECTS      comes as a result of discussions with the theater technical staff in which they have indicated various aspects and technical specifications of each room.  NOTE TO THEATER STAFF – if you are looking for the details of a particular room, you should look in this very long document!  (143 pages)


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