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Meeting hand-outs


DUC – 5 ARCHITECTS (fr Jan mtg on 10-30-14)  This is the list of architectural firms contacted by Campus Planning & also scanned materials (by Jan) from each firm.  (These are from notes taken by Jan in a 10-30-14 DUC Project meeting.)  See also the following  Note fr Jan to theater dept (10-30-14)

RFQ to architect (as of 09-25-14)  Current version (09-25-14) of RFQ to be sent to architect

DUC Project hand-outs (mtg on 09-23-14)  Includes the following:

  1. RFQ schedule beginning Sept 2013 and through awarding project in April 2015
  2. list of architects to whom the RFQ will be sent
  3. listing of all current Emory team members
  4. Project schedule
  5. Future meetings & proposed trips

DUC Project mtg on 09-11-14  Includes Jen Fabrick’s overall introduction of the project listing projected dates & deadlines, current personnel lists, etc