“The sad truth is that those who have little reason to leave their birth countries are among the few born with the freedom to relocate.”…

A storm suddenly passes as a group of migrants attempts to enter Europe by boat. One man goes overboard, separating from his family…

The imagery of “Camp in the City” by Andrea Muehlebach is particularly powerful in the way it describes how modern day migrants are abused in the…

“Catastrophes” by Cristiana Giordano explores the idea of the perceived temporality of the “migrant crisis”. Giordano explains how the perpetuation that the crisis (and the…

In Francesco Vacchiano’s piece, On Frequent Flyers and Boat People, Vacchiano addresses the narrative that there are too many bodies crossing borders, and how this…

For me, the essay “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life by Nicholas P Genova provided strong evidence to prove something that I already held to…

Throughout the entirety of Hotspots: What They Mean by Didier Fassin , I couldn’t help but take note of the language used to describe migrants and refugees…

For me, reading The Crossing was a very troubling experience for many reasons. The most notable part of this experience was observing how something as…
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