Much of the debate on countries such as America, those in the European Union, and Australia accepting refugees is contingent on the underlying question: is…

While intended to mobilize action, the function of innocence in our view of the migrant, as Ticktin argues, only further contributes to limited and harmful…

“We’ve been here for 10 days, but I’ve been here on this island for 21 days.” – Omar, Syrian Migrant “They have to wait. Five…

Upon watching the video Europe Or Die – Trapped In Bulgaria, there was a particular scene that really stuck with me. This scene happened around 3:48…

An interesting common thread between the two articles was “this idea of labor without citizenship, as well as an uncanny recurrence of imperial formations that…

What struck me as most profound in Larsen’s End of Dreams was not the human-shape figures themselves or the eerie dark-blue shadings of the images,…
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