http://burymemylove.arte.tv “Bury me, My Love” is a newly released, interactive smartphone game that tells Nour’s story as she flees Syria and attempts to reach Europe….

Miriam Ticktin’s post “What’s Wrong with Innocence” reinforced some of the points that we discussed last week in class. How migrants and refugees are portrayed,…

Reading Miriam Ticktin’s article “Where ethics and politics meet: The voice of humanitarianism in France” made me reflect on my views on humanitarianism. I never…

In the VICE episode “Europe or Die: People Smuggling in Sicily” sheds light on officials trying to crack down smugglers who bring people into Europe…

As a member of the Latinx community, I had so many different thoughts on the various points Dr. Alexander highlighted in her publication. There is…

De Genova’s comments on using the term “illegal” and how it dehumanizes individuals reminded me a lot about the current situation of the undocumented youth…

Last week’s discussion and the reading for this week made me think very critically of the process a migrant must go through in hopes of…

Migrants take on their difficult journeys in the hopes of reaching a promised land where they will have a chance to make their dreams come…
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