Breaking Barriers and Fostering Empathy in Europe “Look Beyond Borders” is a five minute short film and social experiment, created by Amnesty International Poland and…

Miriam Ticktin’s article “What’s Wrong with Innocence” brought up the concept of hierarchical divisions shaping the response to the migrant “crisis”. She accurately demonstrated how…

“One can either be a citizen or a human but not both.” (44) This statement in Miriam Ticktin’s paper “Where ethics and politics meet:…

I watched the VICE video “People Smuggling in Sicily” and was exposed to an entirely new side of the trafficking business – the land smuggling…

Francesco Vacchiano’s article “On Frequent Flyers and Boat People: Notes on Europe, Crisis, and Human Mobility” raised many interesting points and critiques on the European…

Nicholas P. De Genova brings up many interesting points in his review Migrant “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life that described his views on what…

As I read the “Hot Spots” article (Fassin), my first thoughts jumped to the idea that the European countries in question, and more broadly the…

Larsen’s End of Dreams exhibit, a powerful piece within itself, is also eerily similar to the plight of the millions of refugees from Northern Africa…
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