“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!” This phrase is commonly heard in conversations when people are talking about how they have overcome some type of…

Innocence, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense. Based on Ticktin’s article, my questions are, have we…

My critique is on a social experiment video that was aimed to help kickstart the launch Act for Peace’s fundraising appeal for the Ration Challenge. In…

In VICE’s piece on Libya’s Migrant Jails, it is inevitable to come to the conclusion that race plays a major role in the rehabilitation and…

After reflecting on the article by Heath Cabot, I wondered how a consumer of main stream media must reflect on an article like this. As…

As I read through Dr. Alexander’s article on Sapiens, I could not help but wonder how frustrated these migrants must me, how frustrated Isabella must…

“Don’t let your body feel the pain. Pain will slow you down.” From my growing knowledge in science over these past 3 years, I could…
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