Reading about Alphonse’s experiences helped me understand why having the “right” narrative is so important. Alexander mentions, “Alphonse’s narrative hit all the right keys for…

Last week’s discussion and the reading for this week made me think very critically of the process a migrant must go through in hopes of…

Blog Post 1 Reading “The Crossing” reminded me and forced me to remember the stark, permanent hell that many human beings live in. Everyone has…

Having first read The Crossing and having heard the story of Bambino, I was initially very excited to receive a notification from my Medium account…

Fifteen minutes before add/drop/swap ended, I picked back up a Physics class that I dropped six hours earlier. For these six hours, I had felt…

From Tuesday’s discussion and this week’s readings, I was surprised by the connections I could make between symbols of artwork and concepts in cultural anthropology…

For me, reading The Crossing was a very troubling experience for many reasons. The most notable part of this experience was observing how something as…
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