AUTM 2016 – Top Ten Marketing Tips

AUTM’s (the Association of University Technology Managers) Annual meeting in San Diego, as others before it, was a whirlwind of non-stop education, networking, and partnering. AUTM 2016 was a busy meeting for the OTT team as members volunteered, attended sessions, spoke on panels, and participated in partnering sessions over the four day event. The weather was wonderful and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the “winter break.” There were a record number of marketing sessions at this meeting and here is our top ten list of marketing tips.

OTTer AUTM 2016 San Francisco Bay Side Photograph
OTTer at San Francisco Bay

Office Marketing

  1. Always have a call to action, always drive traffic back to your web site

  2. Branding is often misunderstood, but your brand is everything you say and do and how you say and do it

  3. Repurpose content – package parts and use in different ways and locations

  4. Share your successes

  5. Students can be a great resource to expand your marketing capabilities

OTTer AUTM 2016 San Francisco Presenation Room Photograph
OTTer warming up for an AUTM session

Technology Marketing

  1. Don’t just talk about what technologies you have available, but listen to what companies need

  2. When preparing a technology brief the writer should be skeptical and prove the value to themselves

  3. Your technology brief must include the value proposition for the technology

  4. Companies categorize inventors as established, up and comer, and entrepreneurs – preferring the last two

  5. Companies scout by categorizing technology – we’re looking for game changers and disrupters

OTTer AUTM 2016 San Francisco Photograph
OTTer site seeing in Little Italy

AUTM is just one of the meetings that OTT attends each year, along with meetings like SEMDA, GA BIO, SEBIO, BIO International, and JP Morgan Healthcare as part of our overall communications & marketing strategy. These meetings provide our team with opportunities to building relationships, connect Emory innovations with companies, and stay abreast of trends and factors affecting technology transfer. If you would like to read more about our partnering check out this recent blog post on partnering.