MARBL’s Archival Pedagogy Toolkit

MARBL’s Archival Pedagogy Toolkit

The Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (MARBL) is pleased to announce a new resource for faculty and graduate student instructors at Emory: the Archival Pedagogy Toolkit. We are currently building this toolkit from syllabi, assignments, and handouts submitted by members of the Emory Community. MARBL’s hope is that this resource will provide helpful ideas for teaching and for encouraging original undergraduate research using materials housed in MARBL.

By sharing their syllabi, faculty and graduate students can help others determine when to incorporate MARBL’s various instruction offerings into their own classes. Instructors can also share ideas with one another through the discussion boards and comments sections. In addition, by sharing sample assignments, MARBL hopes to foster a community discussion about the types of assignments best suited to students at various levels across the disciplines.

The toolkit has been created using Zotero (  MARBL created a private group entitled “Archival Pedagogy Toolkit”: only members can view the documents uploaded to the group, in order to protect instructors’ intellectual property.  Members will be able to view and comment on their own and others’ documents, enabling a professional conversation about teaching with primary sources to take place alongside the documents.

How do I join?

Because this group is private, you will need to do two things:

  1. Visit and set up an account (this is free).
  2. Send an email to Liz Chase, MARBL Coordinator for Research Services, at eachase [at] emory [dot] edu. This email should include your name, Emory affiliation, and the email address you used to set up your Zotero account.

You will then be sent an email inviting you to join the Archival Pedagogy Toolkit group.

Questions? Resources to contribute?

Please email documents to Liz Chase and email eachase [at] emory [dot] edu or call 7-4885 with any questions you may have.


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