Social Science Fall Newsletter Now Available!


The October 2013 issue of Information for Social Scientists (ISS) is now available at


 ISS is the General Libraries/LITS e-only newsletter that highlights information issues, resources, and services of interest to Emory social scientists, particularly graduate students and faculty.  The theme of this  issue is “NEW”: new university librarian, new website, new services, new buildings (and  renovations) and new resources of special interest to Emory social scientists.


October ISS highlights:

Tab 1. Meet the New University Librarian, Yolanda Cooper, who will take the helm on Jan. 15th. Cooper comes to Emory from the University of Miami (Florida).

Tab 2. New Library website debuted at start of fall semester.

Tab 3 New Emory Center for Digital Scholarship includes the Electronic Data Center, ECIT and other services to provide one-stop digital assistance for scholars.

Tabs 4 & 5 New Subject Resources/Social Media. A wide range of electronic resources have been acquired. These include ways to track and analyze tweets.

Tab 6. New Services: From a pilot book delivery to your closest Emory library to library support for Semester Online.

Tab 7. E-Book & E-Journal Collections. The latest news relating to e-books and e-journals. Remember you can now check out e-readers such as Nooks and iPads from the library at the Music and Media service desk.

Tab. 8. Data Management. Do you have a data management plan (DMP)? Library help is available. Remember Data Management and all of the Electronic Data Center services are now part of the New Emory Center for Digital Scholarship on Level 3.

Tab. 9. October celebrates Open Access week and the library is hosting a variety of events to inform you about open access and other scholarly communications issues.

Tab 10.  Library Building News has almost too much to report from changes at the Woodruff Library to the plans for the new EmTech Library Service Center.  Better cell phone reception coming soon! What’s library “touchdown space”?

Tabs 11 & 12. New and handy libguides and How to…links to important services.

Tab 13. List of library staffing in the social sciences. Jennifer Elder has taken over as Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies Librarian.

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