Announcing 2014 winners–Woodruff Library Undergraduate Research Award

Photo by Libby Levi for and distributed under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 License

Photo by Libby Levi for and distributed under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 License

We are pleased to announce that the 2014 Woodruff Library Undergraduate Research Award (URA) winners have been selected by our panel of judges. Prizes will be awarded to the following students:

Fiona O’Carroll —“’The Instinct of Every Real Woman’: The Ideas of the Anti-Suffrage Movement in the U.S., 1868-1920″
Faculty sponsor: Patrick Allitt

Laurabeth Goldsmith —“Theresienstadt: Concentration Camp Camouflaged as The ‘Model Jewish Settlement’”
Faculty sponsor: Carol Anderson

Ryan Sutherland —“Exoticism and Musical Appropriation: The Javanese Gamelan in Debussy’s Pagodes (1903) and Russian Folk Music is Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps (1913)”
Faculty sponsor: Elizabeth Clendinning

Each winning entry will receive a prize of $500, supported by the Elizabeth Long Atwood Fund.

The judges also selected one project for an honorable mention:

Chloe Burrell—“Cruelty: The Shifting Historical Definition of Marriage”
Faculty sponsor: Judith Miller

The awards will be presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium on Wednesday, April 23 at the Dobbs University Center. The winners will share their work with the Emory community via poster presentations from 3 to 6 p.m.

Please come out and support these students!

Many thanks to this year’s Undergraduate Research Award Judges Panel:

Erica Bruchko, Woodruff Library
Judith C. Rohrer, Art History Department
Liv Nilsson Stutz, Department of Anthropology
Lori Jahnke, Woodruff Library
Valerie Summet, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

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