Woodruff Library Building: Pictures of the Week –July 17

Woodruff Library Building: Pictures of the Week July 17: Double click to enlarge photos

MARBL L10  Demolition of connecting stair between L10 and L11

Demolition of connecting stair between L10 and L11

New Signage - always a good thing

New Signage – always a good thing

NextGen LC a. New counter under construction

NextGen LC a. New counter under construction

NextGen LC b. Assembly of new tables

NextGen LC b. Assembly of new tables

NextGen LC c. Chairs

NextGen LC c. Chairs

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MARBL’s major renovation is planned for completion in fall 2015. To follow the progress, please see the MARBL renovation page.

Summer projects: Woodruff Library’s level 2 renovation to foster group collaboration, enhance mobile device use

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