Call for Applications: OpenCon 2014 Travel Scholarship

OpenCon 2014

OpenCon 2014

Are you an Emory University student or early career researcher interested in Open Access, Open Data, and/or Open Education? If so, the Emory Scholarly Communications Office (SCO) has a scholarship opportunity for you! SCO is providing a travel scholarship to this year’s OpenCon 2014, a conference organized by the Right to Research Coalition at SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and a committee of student and early career researchers from around the world. OpenCon 2014’s three day program will include two days of conference-style programming with a third day of advocacy training and opportunities to meet with relevant policymakers.


Who is eligible for the OpenCon 2014 scholarship?

Currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate students and early career researchers currently employed by Emory University. Early career researchers are generally within 8-10 years of the beginning of their professional research career (i.e. after graduating with their terminal degree).


When and Where?

OpenCon 2014 will be held in Washington, D.C. November 15-17, 2014.


You will receive:

  • Guaranteed spot at OpenCon 2014
  • Travel expenses, accommodations (shared room), and conference registration fees
  • A better understanding of Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data

Sound good? Visit our Call for Applications for complete details and a link to the application form. Send questions about this scholarship opportunity to the Scholarly Communications Office at scholcomm [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu.

Applications are due no later than Monday, September 15, 2014, at 5pm (EST). 

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