Call for Applications: Emory Open Education Initiative 2015-2016

Emory faculty and instructors eager to expand their use of open educational resources (OERs) in support of student learning can apply for funding to make it happen. The Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) and the Scholarly Communications Office, seek applicants for the Emory Open Education Initiative (EOEI) 2015-2016 Cohort. Participants in EOEI will receive mini-grants of $1,000 each to be used to create or compile open educational resources (OERs), library materials, or faculty-generated content to be used in courses taught in fall 2015 or spring 2016 in lieu of a textbook.

Applications for these $1,000 mini-grants are due NOVEMBER 14, 2014, at 5pm (EST). To apply, please complete the form found at Emory Open Education Initiative Online Application.

Photo by Caroline Madigan for and distributed under CC-BY 2.0

Photo by Caroline Madigan for and distributed under CC-BY 2.0

The mini-grants are open to all full-time faculty, both tenure and lecture track, and are available to both individual faculty members and faculty working as teams. Only one application per faculty member or team will be considered.

The goal is to find better and less costly ways for faculty to deliver instructional content and to support assessment of whether learning objectives were met by using the content, according to Lisa Macklin, Director, Scholarly Communications Office.

For more information on open educational resources, please see our guide. For information on the 2014-2015 Emory Open Education Initiative Pilot Cohort, please see our EOEI site.

Would you like to know more before you apply?

Attend the one-hour brown bag overview (offered both in-person and virtually) of EOEI on Thursday, October 23, 2014, OR Wednesday, November 5, 2014 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. to ask questions.

In-person location:

ECDS, Room 303F, Conference Room, Third Floor, Woodruff Library.

Virtual location:

Your computer and location using Adobe Connect.

*Important Note: You will login to Adobe Connect using the Guest field.  Type your name and click Enter Room.  You do not need to enter in your Emory credentials.

Telephone number to dial in: 404-251-0558

Conference number:  404-251-0558

Participant code: 111762

Register here: Attend the overview session in-person or via Adobe Connect.

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