Check out the new ECLC Self-learning Languages website

Make learning a new language your goal!  In the 21st century, proficiencies in foreign languages and cultures are becoming crucial for the workplace and can give anyone’s career a boost. However, as any learners of languages can attest, attaining proficiency in a foreign language requires consistent and frequent practice over a long period of time. Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 11_opt(1)For college students, the long winter and summer breaks can pose challenges for maintaining their foreign language proficiencies. To address this issue, the Emory College Language Center (ECLC) is in the process of posting self-learning resources for each language on its website. The resources are recommended and vested by faculty in the language studies departments. The self-learning resources on the web pages are for all curricular languages offered at Emory, ranging from online courses and apps, radio and TV stations, to dictionaries and exercises on grammar and vocabulary, and much more!

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 11_optCompleted self-learning language web pages are:

Pages for other languages, including French, Italian, Korean, and Japanese, are currently under construction. Please check back on the ECLC website soon for updates.

Additionally, secured audio and video materials are available to the Emory faculty, students, and staff with an Emory login at this link:

or click on your language and get directed to the secured material (realplayer required for most audio files.)

Of course there are other options for learning languages here at Emory that you can view here:

Language courses offered at Emory are Arabic, Chinese, ESL, French, German, Greek (Classical), Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tibetan, Yiddish.


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