What rhymes with demystified? Library Simplified

It’s 3 a.m. You’re using the Woodruff Library computers, study spaces or resources like the library catalog, discoverE or one of the 600+ databases that we subscribe to. Or you are working on a research project that’s due next week (because of course YOU would never wait until the very last minute).

And then you run into a roadblock.

Let’s say, for example, your teacher said to use a primary source for your project, but you’re having a hard time finding one.

Woodruff Library has just the thing to help you out: Library Simplified.

Library Simplified is a kind of choose-your-own-adventure do-it-yourself page. You start with some general categories of questions and drill down to your exact question.

To use the example above, you need to find a primary source. You go to the main Library Simplified page and choose “I need to find sources for my research.” Once you select that option, you get another level of choices, all related to finding sources (“I am looking for articles,” “I am looking for primary sources,” “I am not sure what types of sources I need” etc). Click to find the answer to your question and learn how to do what you need to do. And please let us know how we can make it better at ask (at) emory.libanswers.com!


Library Simplified home page



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