Pardon our dust; library systems, ejournals page changing over the holidays

On December 16, the library systems that supply information to discoverE will change. [UPDATE: The migration was a success! Some system integration work continues. Thanks to all. ] We are replacing the software that library staff use to order, pay for, catalog, and circulate library materials.

graphic: Jeffrey Sowder

graphic: Jeffrey Sowder

Library users will continue to use discoverE to search for library materials and to place requests (e.g. hold, reserves, renewals, etc.), but searching for ejournals will change.

Library users will be able to search a new interface for ejournals A-Z directly within discoverE.


In order to accomplish this change, there will be some interruption of service over the Winter Holiday Break.  Starting on December 11th at 6pm, and continuing through December 17th, requesting, holds, recalls, e-shelf, and other ‘my account’ features in discoverE will be unavailable due to system migration. [Dec 15th UPDATE The eShelf data has been migrated for approximately 90% of our discoverE collections, and we’re working to restore the remainder of our local Emory collections.] If you have any questions, please contact your library.  For more details about effected library services, please see below.  Thank you for your patience.


One noticeable change will be the look and feel of ejournals access.  Starting on Dec 21st, ejournals@emory will redirect to a new ejournals A-Z list, found also as a TAB of the library’s discoverE tool.  (See screenshots below).  Integrating ejournal searching with all other library searching should benefit Emory students and researchers. Library users  will also see a new screen when using the FindIt@Emory button, Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 10.25.53 AM Functionality should remain similar to past ejournals searching.  Please continue to send ejournal issues to ASKEJOURNALS [at] LISTSERV [dot] CC [dot] EMORY [dot] EDU.


LIBRARY SERVICES FROM DEC 11-17, 2015 and beyond:

  •  ‘My account’ functions in discoverE (e.g. hold, reserves, etc.) will be offline from Dec 11-16, 2015
  • Circulation check-outs and returns will continue to occur at the library service desk, but online renewals will be frozen (no fines or fees will be incurred)
  • Course Reserves (Ares) will be accessible via Blackboard and directly at:, but the ability to add items from discoverE to Reserves will be unavailable until early January
  • Storage requests needed between Dec 11-16, 2015 must be communicated directly to your library
  • Document delivery will be unavailable in discoverE until early January; you may place doc delivery requests via ILLiad during the transition period
  • Non-rush ordering of library collections will be suspended until Dec 16th


Alma, as a next-generation library management service, was developed to consolidate, optimize and extend the range of library services for Emory’s current and future needs.  Our goals for adopting Alma include:  
  • Improving search, discovery, access and delivery of resources for library users and staff;
  • Streamlining library workflows [purchasing, payment, cataloging, metadata, managing electronic resources, circulation] in all Emory libraries; 
  • Refreshing applicable policies; 
  • Reducing the amount of local application management needed to support the ILS; 
  • Identifying, chartering, and staffing specialized working groups for the project and beyond;
  • Opens up possibilities to partner with other institutions on shared work, such as in the Georgia Tech and Emory collaboration on the Library Service Center.
 new EJOURNALS A-Z (see before and after view of ejournal pages)
 Again, if you have any questions,
please contact your home library or use ASKEJOURNALS [at] LISTSERV [dot] CC [dot] EMORY [dot] EDU.


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Judith Miller
Judith Miller
9 years ago

Has the “text your phone” option been disabled? It no longer shows on the drop down link from an item’s page.

Judith Miller
Judith Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  caloveladmin

Thanks so much. I have become completely dependent on it and so I will wait till it is active again before I put together a list of books I need. Funny how essential a function like that can become. I can’t handle the library without it now. 🙂

Richard Rothenberg
9 years ago

You offer three choices for citation formatting. Many medical and public health journals do not use any of them, but use the NML format (at The previous incarnation had this format available. Would it be possible to restore (Of course, when you download to EndNote, you can use any format you please, but for just a quick reference grab, this format would be helpful). Thanks