New Databases: The State (Columbia, South Carolina), 1891 – 1997

Welcome to New Databases! This blog series from the Robert W. Woodruff Library is intended to give you a brief introduction to databases that you may not know and to provide you with some tips to get you started.

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  • Featured database: The State (Columbia, SC), 1891-1997.
  • Find it: Go to or visit our databases page and under “Browse Databases,” select The State
  • Description/focus: The State is a daily morning newspaper published in Columbia, South Carolina. It was founded in 1891 and in 1945, merged with its competitor The Columbia Record. This database covers 1891 to 1997.
  • Start with this hint: The America’s Historical Newspaper interface can be slow and difficult to navigate. Start by doing a simple search, such as “Thurmond, Strom” in the search box. To narrow your results select the “dates and eras” or “article types” tabs. Or to expand select the “additional newspaper titles” or “places of publication” tabs.
    From the John Hensel Photograph Collection, University of South Carolina

    The State Newspaper Building, from the John Hensel Photograph Collection, University of South Carolina, South Caroliniana Library


  • Why you should know this database: The State’s digital archive is part of a larger database of newspapers called America’s Historical Newspapers (AHN), which is published by database vendor Readex. The South Carolina paper is one of three Emory-owned newspapers published by Readex that covers the mid- to late- 20th century. The others are the New Orleans Times Picayune and the Augusta Chronicle.
  • How this will help researchers: This database will help researchers interested in politics, society and race relations during the Civil Rights era within one important state of the Deep South.
  • Who should I contact if I have a question?: If you would like more information about this database or a demonstration for a class, contact United States History and African American Studies Librarian, Erica Bruchko (berica [at] emory [dot] edu).
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