Open Data Information Fair – Rollins Café Feb 11 **Canceled**

love your data heart

Image credit: Shenita Peterson for Emory Libraries

**The Open Data Information Fair on Feb 11 has been canceled due to illness. Check back for a rescheduled date later in Spring 2016.**

As part of Love Your Data week (#LYD16), librarians and informationists from Emory Libraries will be at the Rollins School of Public Health Café this Thursday, February 11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Stop by our table to learn more about making your data open, and register for an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to establish your researcher identity.

Interested in learning more about the Open Movement? Read the firsthand account from Emory’s 2015 OpenCon recipient, Miranda Cook.

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