You Spoke. We Listened.

In February 2017, we surveyed students and faculty for feedback on library collections, spaces, and services. Roughly 600 faculty and 2,300 students participated for a response rate of 15%.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

Most of you expressed satisfaction with the Libraries. 91.6% of you said you are satisfied or very satisfied with the Libraries overall. But your responses also highlighted areas for improvement. Many of you said you are less than satisfied with academic e-books,  physical and digital media collections, public programming, personal security and safety of belongings, student technology support and training, discoverE, and available technology.

We also asked for open-ended comments. Some common themes emerged from the more than 1,600 comments we received:

  • Awareness. Many of you said you aren’t aware of all the resources and services we offer.
  • Quiet Spaces. You want more quiet spaces in the libraries. You also want greater enforcement of the rules around quiet spaces.
  • Printing. You want more affordable printing and more color printers.
  • Online Access. You said access to e-journals is cumbersome and you would like the library websites to be more intuitive.
  • Power. You want more electrical outlets in popular study spaces.
  • Cleanliness. You want better maintenance of the restrooms.

We are grateful for your feedback and use it to improve the libraries. We’ve made some changes, and more are on the way.

We’re launching a new campaign, You Spoke/We Listened, to highlight what we heard and what we are doing in response. The first installment of our campaign highlights the Woodruff Library Level-1 renovation. The renovation adds more electrical outlets for charging devices and more space for collaboration and individual study.

Watch for You Spoke/We Listened on posters and digital signs around the libraries and on social media.

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