Equipment for loan at the Music and Media Library

Do you need a camera for a project and your cellphone camera just won’t do?

Don’t have a laptop but need one for that upcoming conference presentation?

Where can you go on campus to find these items for a short term loan?

Why, you go to the Marian K. Heilbrun Music & Media Library!

Located on the 4th lobby floor of the Robert W. Woodruff Library, the Marian K. Heilbrun Music & Media Library has been loaning out various types of equipment for several years now. From calculators and cables to camcorders and Dell and MacBook Laptops, this equipment helps students, faculty, and staff in their academic endeavors. Equipment in the 7-day collection is now in high demand, so secure your reservation by booking in advance!

Simply download the “Equipment Booking Form” from and email the completing document to musicmedia [at] emory [dot] edu.

The library has collections to fit all kinds of needs:

· Watch a movie in the library?

· We’ve got library-use only headphones and remote controls for AV Carrels!

· Calculator for an exam?

· We’ve got scientific calculators you can borrow for up to 3 days!

· Record a set of interviews for a research project?

· We’ve got video cameras, microphones, and audio recorders you can borrow for up to a week!

To find out more about these collections, check out the Guide to Equipment Collections at Emory, one of the many wonderful research guides that are available through the library.

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