Love Data Week 2018

Emory Libraries is celebrating the importance of data during Love Data Week, February 12-16, 2018!

Follow the conversation with data users around the world on social media with the hashtag #lovedata18. Each day of the week @EmoryLibraries will highlight resources for working with data at Emory.

Look for us around campus sharing information and event swag too.

  • Monday, February 12, 2018, 12-1pm we will have an information table in the Rollins CafĂ© in the Grace Crum Rollins building
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2018, 2-5pm the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship will offer a workshop on Data Cleaning and Manipulation in Woodruff Library Classroom 312

To learn more about resources to analyze, organize, and share your data at Emory, check out the Research Data website.

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