Applications Open for Emory OpenCon 2018 Travel Scholarship

OpenCon 2018 Travel Scholarship Call for Applications 

Apply by August 31, 2018

The Emory Scholarly Communications Office is pleased to announce a travel scholarship for OpenCon 2018 ( OpenCon 2018, organized by the Right to Research Coalition, SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), and a committee of student and early career researcher organizations from around the world, is a student and early career researcher conference focused on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.

OpenCon’s flagship global meeting drives culture change by bringing together the most energetic, engaged students and early career academic professionals. Participants learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, develop critical skills, find collaborators, and catalyze action toward a more open system for sharing the world’s information—from scholarly and scientific research, to educational materials, to digital research data.

OpenCon 2018’s three-day program will begin with two days of panels and interactive workshops that place an emphasis on highlighting diverse, early career voices from every continent. The third day will feature an all-day “do-a-thon,” where participants have the opportunity to craft new campaigns, lay the foundations for new resources, and form collaborations that will continue long after the November conference is over.


Who is eligible for the OpenCon 2018 scholarship?

This scholarship opportunity is open to current Emory University graduate and undergraduate students as well as early career researchers currently employed by Emory University. Early career researchers are generally within the first 5-10 years of their professional career (i.e. after graduating with their terminal degree).


What are the commitments associated with the Emory OpenCon 2018 Travel Scholarship?

  • Complete application by deadline (August 31, 2018)
  • Attend OpenCon 2018 November 2-4, 2018 in Toronto, Cananda
  • Before OpenCon 2018
    • Meet with the Scholarly Communications Office in September 2018 to discuss scholarship requirements and logistics
    • Work with the Scholarly Communications Office in the coordination of events for Open Access Week 2018 (October 21-27, 2018) as needed
    • Participate in pre-conference calls and webinars planned by OpenCon 2018 organizers
  • After OpenCon 2018
    • Write at least one blog post about your experience for the Scholarly Communications Office blog to be published no later than December 1, 2018
    • Serve as the Spring 2019 Scholarly Communications Associate
      • The Emory OpenCon Travel Scholarship recipient also receives the title of Spring 2019 Scholarly Communications Associate. The Fellow will work with the Scholarly Communications Office to develop a campus project based on their participation at OpenCon 2018. Potential projects could include exhibitions, events, marketing campaigns, educational workshops, etc. related to promoting Open Access, Open Education, and/or Open Data on Emory’s campus. The Scholarly Communications Associate will be financially compensated for this work.
      • Schedule: 2 hours per week for spring semester 2019


When and Where?

OpenCon 2018 will be held in Toronto, Cananda, November 2-4, 2018.


Travel scholarship recipient will receive:

  • Guaranteed spot at OpenCon 2018
  • Travel expenses, accommodations (shared room), and conference registration fees (incidentals not included)
  • A better understanding of Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data


Application Details

To apply for the Emory University OpenCon 2018 travel scholarship, complete the online application at:

Please send questions to scholcomm [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu.


When is the application due?

Please submit your application by Friday, August 31, 2018 at 5 pm (EST).

Your application will be reviewed by a selection committee, and you will be notified of the status of your acceptance by Friday, September 14, 2018.


Would you like to know more about the travel scholarship and/or OpenCon 2018?

Contact the Emory Scholarly Communications Office at scholcomm [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu for additional information about this travel scholarship opportunity.

For more information about OpenCon 2018 visit:


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