Woodruff Library Ongoing Booksale!

Woodruff Library is having a small, ongoing (rolling) booksale beginning on Wednesday, September 19. Books are $1 for paperbacks, and a $2 for hardbacks, unless otherwise marked! Books will be available at the main library service desk. There are some pretty cool titles across a variety of disciplines that need a good home! The selection is eclectic and interesting.  You never know what you might find.  This week’s cart includes an 1850 biography of John C. Calhoun, Walter Piston on Harmony, and Kevin Coyne’s well-reviewed (“Ingeniously conceived, superbly executed”) study of night-time workers in America.  New titles every week! For more information, please contact Chris Palazzolo or Lloyd Busch.

Image used under a Creative Commons License 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/tabsinthe/4820084267

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Lloyd Busch
Lloyd Busch
5 years ago

One update to the blog about the booksale:
Paperbacks are one dollar, hardbacks are two dollars. Inflation catches up with us all.