Changes to Databases @ Emory coming October 2!


The new databases page, effective October 2. Click to view larger size.


The the current databases page, deprecated as of October 2. Click to view larger size.










Enhancements to our database index are going live next week!

What is changing?

On Tuesday, October 2nd, Databases @ Emory will transition from a page on the Libraries website to the A-Z Databases platform [currently in beta] on our Springshare service. The Library Web and UX team will identify current links on the Libraries website, establish redirects, and alter database search queries to point to this new service. In effect, the transition should be fairly seamless for users. 


Revised links on the Libraries homepage.


Revised link on the Materials page.








What is staying the same?

The databases listed on the platform have not changed. Database descriptions have been refined using a more consistent template and writing practices. Subject designations have not changed, with the exception of a new heading to identify resources of interest to Health Sciences. Searching in discoverE is unaffected entirely. The Business Library will continue to maintain its own list of databases.

Why this change?

  • It will enhance database list maintainability, requiring less effort to make additions or revisions than the website’s content management system.
  • Databases links will be easier to embed and maintain in Research Guides.
  • The platform retains the features of our prior setup while containing a variety of enhancements. This is because it has been designed with this specialized purpose in mind.

What if I have questions?

Continue to email E-RESOURCES-L [at] LISTSERV [dot] CC [dot] EMORY [dot] EDU for help.

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