Love the Libraries? Give thanks to Emory Libraries donors this Thursday

EmoryThanks is Thursday, Nov. 8, at stations all over the Emory campus! It’s a chance for students, faculty, and staff to write a thank-you note to Emory donors.

Come to the front of the Woodruff Library on Nov. 8 between 10 am and 2 pm (inside the lobby if it’s raining) to thank an Emory Libraries donor for everything you rely on to succeed in your studies and research. They especially love hearing from students about how they use the library and why it’s important to their work.

Through their generosity, Emory Libraries donors help fund our resources, services, collections, renovations, study spaces, software and hardware, and many other aspects that assist students, faculty, and staff with research and study needs. That includes:

  • Comfortable, flexible study spaces;
  • Newly renovated production studios;
  • Fellowships and research awards;
  • Rose Library’s archival collections;
  • Woodruff Library’s general collection;
  • Online journal subscriptions and databases;
  • MediaLab editing workstations and specialized software;
  • And much, much more!

What’s your favorite part of the Emory Libraries? What resources, study spaces, collections, or other aspects do you rely on the most? Come to our EmoryThanks table at the Woodruff Library on Nov. 8 and tell our donors about it, and share your gratitude on social media with #emorythanks and @emorylibraries (Facebook) or @emorylibrary (Instagram).

*Bonus – we’ll have treats, too!

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