Nuremberg Chronicle

The Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library’s treasured Nuremberg Chronicle (first edition, 1493) received conservation treatment prior to traveling to Pitts Theology Library for the exhibition, The Materiality of Devotion: From Manuscript to Print (opening December 17). This lavishly-illustrated book, which purports to be a history of the world from creation to 1459, is in remarkably good condition except for some tears to be repaired with Japanese tissue and rice starch paste.

Before coming to Emory, a handful of tears had been repaired with paper which might have matched the text block originally but was acidic and caused acid migration staining on several pages. I removed these mends, and to reduce the stains, I used a suction platen and applied a solvent solution until no further residue could be extracted.


Julie Newton
Assistant Conservator
Emory Libraries

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