“Globalization: Research It Here” Library Exhibit

poster with globe advertising World Trade Week in 1947 with quote, "World Trade Unites Nations"

World Trade Week Poster, United States Chamber of Commerce, 1947

Scholars in the sciences and social sciences grapple with international issues that concern all of us: immigration, trade, diversity, inequality, and climate change, among others. These common interests inspired the Sciences and Social Sciences Librarians at Emory’s Main Woodruff Library to curate a new exhibit on the topic of globalization that launched in late July of 2017. The exhibit invited visitors to ask, “How can we make sense of our interconnected and changing world?,” and offered both material and human resources to support research on global problems.

The globalization exhibit encouraged visitor interaction. Books relating to globalization are on display and available for checkout, and the films depicted in poster form could be viewed through the Emory Libraries’ catalog in streaming format or checked out in DVD format from the Music & Media Library on the fourth floor of the Main Woodruff Library. E-resources with content pertaining to globalization were also highlighted, such as the OECDiLibrary, the PAIS database, and the World Bank database. In addition, Rob O’Reilly, Data Services Librarian, provided an in-depth explanation and handout to accompany the Elephant Graph poster in the exhibit. The Elephant Graph is a famous chart developed by economist Branko Milanovic that depicts a socioeconomic phenomenon connected with globalization.

The Sciences and Social Sciences Team Librarians who curated the exhibit were Dr. Nidia Banuelos, the former Sociology, Education, and Development Studies Librarian, Dr. Chris Doty, Chemistry and Physics Librarian, Nik Dragovic, Library Science Librarian, Jennifer Elder, Psychology and Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Librarian, Dr. Lori Jahnke, Anthropology Librarian, Kristan Majors, Environmental Studies, Computer Science, & Math Librarian, Dr. Rob O’Reilly, Data Services Librarian, and Dr. Chris Palazzolo, Political Science and Economics Librarian. The subject librarians’ contact information was provided as part of the exhibit so that researchers could easily reach them for assistance. The Emory Libraries’ Exhibit Team, Kathy Dixson, John Klingler, and Gretchen Warner, developed the exhibit’s layout and graphics and also installed the exhibit. The Stacks Team assisted with maintaining the exhibit’s circulating materials.

This exhibit is the second in a series highlighting Emory Subject Librarians: http://web.library.emory.edu/research-learning/subject-librarians/index.html 

International Area Studies: https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/woodruff/fyi/areastudiesfacultybooks 

Science and Social Science: https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/woodruff/fyi/globalizationlibraryexhibit 

Humanities:  forthcoming Spring 2019


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