Research Data Management Workshop Series – Spring 2019

Research Data Management by janneke staaks on flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

Are you collecting data for your research? Do you have questions about where to save your data, and how to wrangle all of your digital files? Are you curious about sharing data with other scholars?

The Scholarly Communications Office is offering a 3-part series of Research Data Management workshops this Spring. Join us for sessions in either the Robert W. Woodruff Library or the Woodruff Health Sciences Center (WHSC) Library.

Intro to Data Management

Learn about managing your research data at Emory. Where should you save your data, how should you organize your files, what’s a data management plan and why should you have one for your project?

  • Tuesday, February 5, 12-1pm – WHSC Library, Room B65
  • Thursday, February 7, 10-11am – Woodruff Library, Room 314

Documenting Data

Learn about documenting the data produced in your research. What’s a file naming convention, should you file or pile your digital data, and when do you need to README?

  • Tuesday, March 5, 10-11am – WHSC Library, Room B65
  • Friday, March 8, 12-1pm – Woodruff Library, Room 314

Sharing Data

Learn how to responsibly share research data. How do you select a data repository, what are the steps to deposit data, and where can you get help preparing data to share?

  • Tuesday, April 16, 10-11am – WHSC Library, Room B65
  • Thursday, April 18, 12-1pm – Woodruff Library, Room 314

Find and register for individual sessions on the Scholarly Communications Office website.

Feel free to contact us at scholcomm [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu with any questions.

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