Library Funds Data Deposits

serversDo you have data to share from a published article? Does the journal’s recommended data repository charge a deposit fee? The Emory libraries can help cover the cost to deposit your data through our Research Data Distribution Fund.

Any Emory University faculty, post-doc, research staff, or currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate student may apply. Applicants must be the principal investigator or researcher for the research data project. Up to $200 per deposit can be covered, and funds are awarded on a first come, first serve basis.

Is your preferred data repository eligible? Check the Registry of Research Data Repositories listings. Currently, data repositories such as Dryad, openICPSR, and tDAR meet the fund’s eligibility requirements. For data underlying an article in draft or under review, consult the journal’s data availability policy for any recommended repositories.

Questions? Read more about the Research Data Distribution Fund or contact us at scholcomm [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu to discuss data sharing for your research.

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