Love Data Week is February 11-15

love data week 2019

It’s time to Love Data this February!

Data users and producers around the world are sharing resources and stories on social media February 11-15 with the hashtag #lovedata19. Follow us @EmoryLibraries for daily features about working with data at Emory.

Don’t miss these data-related events and workshops on campus this week:

Conversations in Digital Accessibilities 2019

  • February 11, 9-11am – Describing Visual Resources for Digital Accessibility, Woodruff Library Room 312 – Info/Register
  • February 12, 8:30-9:45am – Roundtable: Accessibility & Publishing, Scholarship, & Digital Media, Rose Library, Woodruff Library Level 10 – Info/Register

ECDS Spring Workshops

  • February 12, 1-3pm – Intro to QGIS Desktop, Woodruff Library Room 312 – Info/Register
  • February 13, 1-4pm – R Application: Social Media Scraping, Woodruff Library Room 312 – Info/Register

For more workshops throughout the Spring semester, see the full calendar of Upcoming Classes.

Paywall film screening and panel

On February 19 at 6:30pm in the Woodruff Library Jones Room, we are proud to host a film-screening of Paywall: The Business of Scholarship, followed by a discussion panel on the film. Learn more and RSVP for this event.

data letter tiles on book

Want to learn more about resources to analyze, organize, and share your data? Check out Emory’s Research Data website.

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