Register for the Scholarly Impact Challenge

Scholars can promote their research to new audiences by participating in the Scholarly Impact 5-Day Challenge, which will take place April 8-12.

There’s no class to attend or webinar to watch. Participants can simply sign up now at to receive an email a day for five days with an easy activity to complete that will raise the visibility of their online scholarly profile.

This online-only challenge was created to help people curate or create their online scholarly identity, promote their own work, and become better known online.

Each day for five days, participants will get a reminder:

  • Day 1: Register with ORCID (which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
  • Day 2: Create a Google Scholar Profile
  • Day 3: Understand Altmetrics
  • Day 4: Explore Open Access Publishing
  • Day 5: Make your Data Discoverable
For more information, contact the Office of Scholarly Communications at scholcomm [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu

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