Business Research Guide

Did you know that as part of the Emory University community you have access to a vast pool of resources for conducting business research? It’s true! Whether you are writing a business plan, researching a company for an interview, curious about specific industries and markets, interested in learning about global business statistics, or looking for articles and books about building your leadership skills or team effectiveness (and much more!), the library has a wealth of resources to help you find exactly what you need.

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Your librarians have put together a guide that identifies and contextualizes the top business databases and web resources available to you through Emory Libraries. In our Business Research LibGuide, you will find resources that cover all of the topics listed above with full access across Emory. We’ve included context, cheat sheets with search strategies, and suggestions for where to start on a wide range of topics within the business space.

Among many other resources, you may be surprised to learn that you have access to several very popular sources. These include: the New York Times, Wall Street Journal (via Factiva), and many more. Check out the tab on Business News, Articles & Books to learn how to get access!

Nora B. Wood Business Librarian | Goizueta Business Library

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