Options for Emory students who no longer have their textbooks

Dear Emory faculty and students,

The rapidly changing environment with COVID-19 has meant that some of our students have found themselves without their textbooks and course materials as Emory transitions to remote teaching and learning.  Below are options for faculty and students to access textbooks and other learning materials needed to successfully complete the semester.

1)    Many textbook publishers are offering free online access for affected students

Many textbook publishers understand the difficulties for faculty and students with a rapid transition to remote teaching across the US.  These publishers are offering free online access to affected students.  The Emory Barnes and Noble Bookstore is coordinating these offers from textbook publishers.  A list of the publishers is also available.  Often the student must contact the publisher to request this access. 

There is also a growing list of publishers and vendors offering expanded access to content is available at Vendor Covid-19 Related Donations and Pro Bono Access.

2)    Other assigned books

Faculty who assigned books for classes which are not textbooks, please reach out to your librarian or informationist for assistance with finding an ebook version.  The Libraries are committed to purchasing ebooks where possible, and some ebook publishers are expanding ebook access to an unlimited number of users.

We are also reviewing books on physical reserves to assist with the transition to remote teaching.  We will be reaching out to faculty to determine if you would like us to scan portions of books currently on physical reserves or seek out online options such as ebooks. All readings in Course Reserves are integrated into Canvas for students to access.

3)    Placing selected readings on Course Reserves

If the assigned textbooks or books are not available electronically and not already on reserves, faculty members may send scanned copies of the reading assignments for the upcoming weeks of the semester to the appropriate Course Reserves unit listed below.  The Libraries will obtain and pay for any permissions, if needed, from a central fund. These readings are provided for this semester only and should be deleted by students after exams are completed. 

If there are other ways in which the Libraries can assist with providing resources to support remote teaching, please contact your librarian or informationist.  We will also be providing information on streaming video and audio options.

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