Fall 2020 Undergraduate Services

Welcome to the Emory Libraries! Whether you are just beginning your Emory journey or are coming back for a new semester, we are happy you are part of our Emory community and are here to help.

Fall 2020 will be an unprecedented semester, and we know you likely have many questions. We’ll be keeping our websites regularly updated with the latest information and we hope this post can provide some useful information and resources to help you engage with the libraries this semester, whether you are joining us on campus or whether you will be engaging remotely.

Quick Start Guide

Download a PDF of our Libraries Quick Start Guide, where you can find information about some commonly asked questions and contact information for our various libraries.

News and Updates

To see the latest information on accessing materials and physical spaces at different Emory libraries, and on library services, visit our Emory Libraries Fall 2020 catalog of online and on-site services page. And keep an eye on the Woodruff library website for additional news and updates.

Accessing the library

Whether you are spending your semester off-campus, or whether you prefer to interact with the libraries remotely this fall, know that we have a wide range of virtual services available and ways for you to get help and to access materials, programming, and services.

Get Help

  • Consultations – You can make appointments for virtual research consultations with subject librarians, who specialize in a wide range of topics.
  • Ask a Librarian – You can also use our Ask a Librarian service to ask questions about the libraries and get help. Send us an email, chat with us, or text us!
  • Student Technology Support – you can get a wide range of support at the libraries, including getting help with personal computer issues, email, and printing. And you can get access to a wide range of tools and technologies to help you with your projects, from apps for graphic design to production and recording studios. Learn more with this Student Digital Life poster.

Access Materials

The libraries are working to make sure you have access to what you need, wherever you are this semester. We have a wide range of online materials and e-books available, we offer scans of chapters or articles from books owned by the Emory libraries, and we also have curbside pick-up options for print materials.

We know you’ll be engaging with Emory and the libraries in a variety of ways this semester, and some of you might not even be in Atlanta. If you need access to something and aren’t sure how to get it, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Ask a Librarian service! We are always happy to work with you to make sure you have access to what you need.

Attend Workshops and Programming

The libraries offer a wide range of skill-building workshops and programming specifically for undergraduate students. We will be offering online workshops and making recordings available for those who wish to view a workshop on their own time.

You can visit the events page to see and register for our fall workshops which will include offerings on topics such as data literacy, fact-checking and misinformation, presentation and communication skills, and advanced research skills. You can also check out our fall workshop flyer for more topics and information.


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