Emory Libraries’ DEI committee publishes chapter in DEI excellence book

Members of the Emory Libraries’ DEI committee wrote a chapter for “Implementing Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Handbook for Academic Libraries,” which was published this month.

The chapter, titled “The Making of Emory Libraries’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: A Case Study,” was written by current and past members of the professional development subcommittee.

“When we heard about the call for chapter proposals in August of 2019, we knew we had a great story to share,” said DEI committee member Melissa Hackman. “Since the beginning, our committee has been very proactive about supporting DEI committees at other institutions, and writing this chapter was an opportunity to share what we’ve learned with a wider audience.”

“Over the following year, we wrote and revised our chapter, relying on the DEI committee’s extensive documentation going back to 2016, insights from our former dean Yolanda Cooper, and our own institutional knowledge as participants in the process,” said DEI committee member Erica Bruchko.

“Although the publication was delayed because of the pandemic, we hope our story will inspire and equip colleagues in academic libraries with a clear roadmap to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at their libraries,” added DEI co-chair Saira Raza.

The chapter authors, all members of the Emory Libraries’ DEI committee, are:

Saira Raza, DEI committee co-chair and Goizueta Business Library librarian

Melissa Hackman, African Studies, sociology and development studies librarian

Erica Bruchko, African American Studies and United States history librarian

Hannah Rutledge, former head of clinical informationist services in the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library

Jina DuVernay, former collection development archivist for African American collections at the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library

Nik Dragovic, former digital product manager at Emory Libraries

The publication is currently available as an e-book in the Emory Libraries catalog.

Congratulations to our DEI committee authors!

Publication link in the ALA store



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