Research Skills Workshops for Undergraduates this Fall

Fall 2022 library workshopsThe Woodruff Library Research Skills Workshop Series is a chance for undergraduates to build transferable skills, discover and explore resources, and develop strategies to reduce stress and achieve goals with their research projects.

If you are interested in developing research skills, stop by one of our workshops this semester! Workshops are offered both online and in-person on Wednesdays and Thursdays from September to November.

The first one is Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Fall 2022 Workshop Offerings:

  • Advanced Search Skills
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Project Management Skills
  • Communicating Your Research
  • Presentation Skills

See our workshop schedule and register for workshops at our Workshops and Classes website. 

Tip: If you are currently enrolled in ECS 101, these workshops will count for one of your out-of-class flourishing experiences!


—Sarah Morris, head of instruction and engagement and subject librarian for English and IDS

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