Writers: Reflections on Rushdie

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community, complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections Read More …

Writers: John Ashbery

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community, complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections Read More …

Writers: Robert Penn Warren

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community, complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections Read More …

Writers: Derek Walcott

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community, complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections Read More …

Writers: W.H. Auden

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community, complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections Read More …

Writers: Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin & Gwendolyn Brooks

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community, complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections Read More …

Writers: Kevin Young

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community,complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections in Read More …

Writers: Robert Lowell

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community,complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections in Read More …

Writers: Nelson Algren

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community,complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections in Read More …

Writers: Norman Mailer, George Plimpton, Gloria Steinem, Studs Terkel & Tom Wolfe

The Writers exhibition, on display in the Schatten Gallery until November, features photographer Nancy Crampton’s pictures of authors,poets, novelists, journalists and other writers. A small selection of MARBL materials, chosen by guest curators from the Emory community,complements each photo. The materials illuminate the connections the writers have with each other and the special collections in Read More …