Open Data Information Fair – Rollins Café Feb 11 **Canceled**

**The Open Data Information Fair on Feb 11 has been canceled due to illness. Check back for a rescheduled date later in Spring 2016.** As part of Love Your Data week (#LYD16), librarians and informationists from Emory Libraries will be at the Rollins School of Public Health Café this Thursday, February 11, from 11 a.m. Read More …

Diving into Open: An Emory graduate student’s reflections on OpenCon 2015

    In Fall 2015, the Library’s Scholarly Communications Office  sponsored a scholarship to send one outstanding Emory graduate student to attend OpenCon 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. OpenCon 2015 is the student and early career academic professional conference on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.  Scholarship applicants were evaluated by a panel of Emory Read More …

Open Data: Deposit Experience of an Emory Researcher

By Jennifer Doty, Data Management Specialist, Emory Center for Digital Scholarship With Open Access Week 2013 well under way, we turn our attention to the related issue of “open data”–specifically the policies and procedures emerging in the research and publishing realms to make data underlying journal articles more readily available and accessible for future researchers. Read More …