Discovering Atlanta: Slavery and Abolitionism, as Viewed by a Georgia Slave

by Sara Logue, Research and Public Services Archivist, MARBL For those of us who have not studied the Civil War in great detail, it may be surprising to learn that not all slaves were in favor of abolishing slavery. A deeper understanding of the ways of life in the mid-nineteenth century, and what freedom would Read More …

A Curious Record from South Carolina Plantations

List of Negroes at Hagley,Weehawka and True BluePlantations, 1860<Click for Full Cover Image> by David Faulds, Rare Book Librarian, dfaulds [at] emory [dot] edu A bibliographical mystery in MARBL's rare book collection is a small eleven page pamphlet, published in 1860, titled List of Negroes at Hagley, Weehawka & True Blue Plantations. The text is Read More …