Favour N.- Blog Post #7


The article I found raises the question of whether we should engage in new technological pursuits or advances just because we have the means of doing so. It brings in a medical aspect with the current controversy over the implementation of cloning. Though the act has many ethical drawbacks, scientists feel as if it is their duty to explore any possible leads that may present themselves. The scenario of- if the death of one person provides life for two people then the act should be condoned- is a means of justification. The article incorporated the example of the story of Frankenstein to highlight the quest for knowledge at all costs and how this often turns out detrimental. Along with Frankenstein, other examples were given to further illustrate the motives of human character such as: Adam and Eve who ate the forbidden fruit, the biblical story of Lot’s wife who turned back after being instructed not to and was transformed into a pillar of salt, Pandora who opened the box, and a few others. In all of these cases, curiosity and the desire for greater knowledge led to their ultimate downfall.

The author of the article doesn’t seem to reference other works or writers, but only presents several facts and evidence from technology/modern science and incorporates stories such as Frankenstein to, in a way, raise a question to begin the discussion. This article could be very effectively used to discuss the overwhelming power and innovation in technology that can be seen in any of the stories I later choose to base my paper on. It really introduces a valid question of when is enough, enough, and stresses humanity’s time long pursuit of forbidden knowledge, as well as depicting the advancement of technology in a negative light that results in less than desirable outcomes.

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