Lucas Richard-Carvajal Blog #7

The author of this piece goes into great detail discussing the multi-faceted identity that Lenny Abramov exhibits. The author discusses to what extent Lenny identifies with his American-Jewish heritage and they examine the roles that jewish characters have within the novel. After this they look into Lenny’s Russian heritage and his inner confusion surrounding his own cultural background. The author concludes that at the end of the novel, Lenny has returned to his Jewish roots, in doing so made a pact with god, and left his Russian heritage behind.

The author uses an argument made by Michiko Kakutani to bolster their own essay. The argument is a brief description of Super Sad True Love Story, that describes it as a novel with a dark future yet deeply sweet love story. The author then shows this throughout their writing. They display how the book relays this dismal future. Where America is “on the brink of fiscal collapse” and the government is falling apart around the main characters. Yet they also discuss the sweetness of Lenny and Eunice’s relationship, and even if the two characters are undeniably flawed the love story portrayed is seen to be all the more real for it.

I think that I am going to look into the nature of modern dating as portrayed by Super Sad True Love Story. To do that i’m going to have to discuss the mixed backgrounds and identities of all the books characters. So i might use this essay to help discuss both Lenny and Eunice’s conflicted personalities.


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