One of the primary sources I have used is available on my post #4. I use a fragment from the book Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart that describes how the character Grillbitch was at rage with her boyfriend after she discovered he was cheating on her. The quotation was, “I went on this new Teens site called ‘D-Base’ where they can digitize you like covered in shit or getting fucked by four guys at once and I sent Gopher all these Images of myself getting fucked by four guys at once.” I was able to integrate this quotation by describing what was it that Grillbitch said and then described how ironic it was that according to the book in order to receive respect, you had to “get fucked by four guys.” I was able to introduce the quote by describing the author and the source, and indicate how it relates to my text. But if I were to change it, I would write:
The author Gary Shteyngart introduces a dystopian situation in his book Super Sad True Love Story by exaggerating the way in which a female, in this case Grillbitch, would react if her significant other were to be unfaithful to the relationship. Grillbitch says, “[insert quote here]” After reading these words, one might question her behavior because in these times, if you use your body like that, you would lose respect, not gain it.
One of the secondary sources I used is on my post #5. In that article about the downsides of technology in school, the author says, “what the U.S. education system needs above all isn’t more technology, but a deliberate allocation of high-quality adult supervision focused on those who need it most.” I integrated the quotation by introducing most arguments about technology, the author and the name of the article. I also explained what it meant and was able to relate it with the book Super Sad True Love Story. I would change the way in which I presented this quotation and write this:
The author Kantaro Tomaya is adamant that “[insert quote here]” after discovering that the technology is only a source of distraction to the students. He expresses, in other words, that technology’s primary function is to entertain, not help the students to focus.