Mirdrina Dulcio Blog Post #9

Frankenstein’s Creature and Martin Luther King Jr’s Way of Defying Unjust Societies: Outline

  1.  Introduction
    1. Discuss Just and Unjust Laws
    2. Connect Frankenstein’s creature’s speech with MLK by expressing how they are similar in their intentions and actions
    3. Thesis and Research Argument
  2. Structure of the Speeches
    1. MLK
      1. King expresses how he is an outsider
        1. Pathos: Sympathy
          • (use secondary sources to quote for evidence)
      2. King suggests they should compromise (negotiate the law)
        1. Logos: negotiation is an easier option than demonstration
          • (use secondary sources to quote for evidence)
      3. King says Birmingham police deserve praise
        1. Ethos: Giving police credibility to make whites as well as blacks more likely to read the letter
        2. Logos: Red Herring
        3. Pathos: Getting influence from whites
          • (use secondary sources to quote for evidence)
    2.  Monster
      1. Discusses his journey before the moment that he is speaking
        1. Pathos: Get sympathy out of Victor
          • (use primary source to quote for evidence)
      2. Expresses how he is an outsider
        1. Pathos: Sympathy
          • (use primary source to quote for evidence)
      3. Persuades Victor to create a companion him
        1. Pathos: uses what Victor can relate to (desire, companionship)
          • (use primary source to quote for evidence)
  1. Language of the Speeches
    1. MLK
      1. Sermon Voice (Homily)
        1. Christianity used as an authoritative figure
        2. Gives emotional power in his letter
          1. (use secondary sources to quote for evidence)
      2. Direct Address
        1. Speaking directly to audience in response to the clergymen’s letter who was addressing to no one in particular
          • True audience not just the clergymen, but African Americans
        2. Call to action to African Americans
      3. Repetition
        1. Repeated ideas, imagery, arguments
          • (use secondary sources to quote for evidence)
    2. Monster
      1. Sophisticated Word Use
        1. Ethos: making himself credible by using sophisticated language
      2. Exaggerated Language
        1. Logical Fallacies: Hasty Generalization, Slippery Slope, Hyperbole
        2. Imagery
  2. Effectiveness of the Speeches: Violence vs. Non-Violence
    1. MLK
      1. Short Term Outcome
        1. Gave African Americans a reason to demonstrate civil disobedience
      2. Long Term Outcome
        1. Important milestone in the fight for civil rights
        2. Proved to be successful (civil rights act)
    2. Monster
      1. Short Term Outcome
        1. Was able to convince Victor to create the monster
      2. Long Term Outcome
        1. Violence leads to his downfall (will kill himself in the end)
  3. Relation to Today’s Society (US)
    1. Unjust Laws still seen today
      1. Voting rights
        1. The interpretation of the law
        2. The war on drugs
  4.  Conclusion
    1. Restate Thesis
    2. Briefly discuss different rhetorical strategies
    3. Relate it back to the real world

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