In my cover letter, I would like to explore in particular the artifacts that led me to developing the larger components of my final portfolio. My primary considerations are my blog posts regarding the Staten Island bar scene of Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story (blog post #2), the Grey’s Anatomy ad as my Pecha Kucha artifact (blog post #3), the literary analysis letter and reflection, and choosing Super Sad True Love Story to be my literary text for my final paper (blog post #7).
I have chosen to focus on Learning Outcome #3:Writing as Process in this blog post. My researched argument has already undergone an editing process, from proposal to rough draft to (soon to be) final. My proposal became an outline before it became a rough draft, and the rough draft underwent a reverse outlining process during peer editing in class. This process was extremely helpful, as when I tend to compose rough drafts, my paragraphs tend to run on until they run out of directions to go in, rather than ending and starting new paragraphs every time I switch directions. Yes, informal kinds of writing managed to sneak into the process. I’ve talked out my paper ideas with friends who were unfamiliar with the text in order to get the opinions of unbiased, uninformed audience members. They weren’t much help as to interpreting the text, but I was able to figure out how to tackle the part of the paper regarding technology’s influence on social interaction with the help of outside opinions. Ultimately, I intend my final paper to be the best product of my previous drafts possible, and I continue to use all the available tools to produce this work.