Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of the study?

The goal of this study is to better understand how stress and mental health affect the overall health and well-being of young women.

What do I have to do for the study?

For this study, we will ask to meet you in-person for the first appointment and then we will follow up with you overdone year. During this year, you will complete shorter, monthly surveys and meet us in-person again at the end.

How long will the first study visit take?

Please plan for the first study visit to take approximately 3 hours.

What information will be collected from me during the first visit?

During the first study visit, we will first talk through the study procedures and answer any questions that you (and/or your parent) may have. Before beginning any activities, you must sign a consent form. We will then collect a sample of hair and blood then measure your height, weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure. Once we have collected these, we will go through an in-depth survey with you.

How will you collect the blood and hair samples?

We will conduct a finger prick to obtain the blood sample. For the hair sample, we will cut a few strands (smaller than the width of a pencil eraser) from the back of your scalp.

Where will the first study visit take place?

The main location for the study is at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University at 1518 Clifton Road. If you cannot get to this location conveniently, please let the study staff know when scheduling your first appointment.

What do I need to do after the first visit?

Each month, we will email you a link to a short, 15-minute survey for you to complete at home.

Who will be able to see my information and survey responses?

Only staff involved with this study will have access to your survey responses and all data will be identified by a number rather than your name. All data will be kept separately from your personal information and we will never report anything that could be traced back to a specific participant.

I’m under 18. Will I need my mother/father/guardian’s permission to participate?

A parent or legal guardian must agree to your participation. We would prefer to meet them during the first baseline visit, however if that is not feasible we can work with them over the phone. After the first visit, parents are not required to attend. Parents will not have access to any information you provide during the study and they will not be allowed in the study room while the activities are in progress. Download the parental consent form, here: Consent Form.

During the first appointment, after discussing the study activities with you, we will also ask that you sign an assent form. Download the assent form, here: Assent Form.

I’m under 18. Can I participate without my parent’s consent?

Sorry, but you cannot. Parental or legal guardian consent is required to participate in the study if you are under 18 years old.

What if I turn 18 during the study?

At the next, in-person visit we will discuss the consent form and study procedures again and you will have the opportunity to sign the consent form. If you do not sign the consent form at this time, you would not be able to continue with the study. Download the consent form, here: Consent Form.

Will I be paid for participating in the study?

You will be paid for each in-person study visit ($50) and for every two monthly surveys you complete ($10). Study participants can receive up to $150 for participating in every survey for the year.

Will I be reimbursed for transportation and parking?

Parking and public transportation costs are taken into account in the compensation for the in-person visits.

What happens if I want to stop participating in the study?

You can stop participating in the study at any time and you do not have to complete any activities that you are not comfortable with. Please contact the project coordinator, Shelby Rentmeester, to leave the study. 

Womens [dot] stress [dot] study [at] emory [dot] edu or 404-857-2703

For Parents (Participants under 18 years old)

What is my role in this project?

We want parents to feel comfortable with everything their child is partaking in. We will give you details on the activities required of your child and we need your consent before your child can begin the project. Download the parental consent form, here: Consent Form.

Will I be able to see my child’s survey responses or any information collected during the study?

No. All study responses are kept confidential to protect the privacy of our participants. All study data are de-identified, so that data are kept separate from personal information.

May I stay with my child during the study visit?

Unfortunately, no. In order to ensure privacy, only participants will be allowed in the study room.

Where will the study visit take place?

The main location for the study is at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University at 1518 Clifton Road. If you cannot get to this location conveniently, please let the study staff know when scheduling the first appointment.

Will I be reimbursed for transportation and parking?

Parking and public transportation costs are taken into account in the compensation for the in-person visits.