How do we taste?

In the chapter 3 Auguste Escoffier, The Essence of Taste from the novel Proust was a neuroscientist by Jonah Lehrer, the famous discovery of a fifth taste is explained. Kikunae Ikeda discovered that the tongue is not only able to taste food that is sour, bitter, sweet, and salty but as well umami, which means…

The Northern Lights

When I first saw the journal question “What color is the sky” I immediately thought that this was a tricky question because the sky has no defined color. However, when we shared our journal entries with the rest of the class, I realized that even if I have always believed the sky has no color…

Victoria Leger

Hi! I come from France, and I am very proud to be able to say I am born in the same city as August Renoir! My intended major is Business and I might double major in Spanish. One of my favorite things is to spend time with friends and family. I love learning about the…